Friday, September 10, 2010

Revamped by Lucienne Diver

Author Lucienne Diver has created a unique and captivating series. Her protagonist, Gina Covello rocks!

A touch of romance, some humor and suspense makes it for a pleasurable read—a charming saga sure to hook any YA reader. Heck, you don’t even have to be a YA reader to enjoy reading it.

If you want to escape to an awesome world of vamps in action, I highly recommend reading Vamped and Revamped. Can't wait to see what Gina does next!

Congrats to Lucienne for creating such a great story.


Sheri Fredricks said...

Thank you for your review! I haven't read any of Diver's books yet, and this one intrigues me.

Anonymous said...

So glad you liked it! I can't wait to see what Gina does next myself. She constantly surprises me!
